Come tour the historic Brown Grand Opera House,
on the National Historic Registrar since 1973.
The Brown Grand is open Monday – Friday from 8am-4pm.
Historic tours are available by appointment only starting Monday, August 12, 2024.
To schedule an appointment for a historic tour, please call us at (785) 243-2553.
A tour guide will give a detailed history and include fun secrets of the Theatre’s past.
There is not an admission fee for groups to tour the Brown Grand.
Rather, we strongly encourage those who take a tour to make a suggested donation
of $5/person to help support the ongoing operations of the Theatre.
Guided tours run approximately 30-45 minutes.
Parking at the Brown Grand: In our attempt to be good neighbors here at the Brown Grand Opera House, we would appreciate it if you could help us out
by parking in the designated parking spaces (indicated below). The Opera House is marked with a yellow star. The lot directly to the West,
and closest to the Brown Grand, has a couple of designated handicapped spaces, it’s highlighted green on this map.
Thanks for helping us be good neighbors!